New Blog Excerpts Book Available for Download: The Preventable Demise of the Fixed Annuity Industry
You may recall the four-part series entitled The Preventable Demise of the Fixed Annuity Industry. This series sought to identify the seeds planted years ago that have sprouted into the negative public image and distribution challenges facing today’s fixed annuity industry. It also led to an OpEd published by InvestmentNews.
The fourth and final installment presented my vision for tomorrow’s fixed annuity producer, someone who is better aligned to meet the needs of a wider range of prospects. The annuity agent of the future will be more successful- and busier. Reliance, in part, upon next-generation consumer-facing marketing technology creates greater productivity and leads to the ability to successfully market products that offer inherently greater consumer value.
The four parts of this series have been published in a book format you may download at no cost by clicking here.